Monday, June 18, 2012

Second Scorrow Battle (09)

Initiative XY Name Health AC Saves Notes
<*> 20.5
Vel 12 18 (FF16, T12) F+4/R+5/W+7 Fatigued, entangled

Halvdan 114 24 (FF22, T12) F+14/R+4/W+7

19 -E-21 Tree 1 100%

Avegnum -9 21 (FF18, T15) F+11/R+8/W+5 Fatigued, entangled, dying

Mercury Man 100%

15 -E-3 Tree 8 92%

15 -E0 Tree 9 92%

Kaellanna 35 20 (FF18, T12) F+8/R+6/W+12 Fatigued

Tara 1 18 (FF11, T13) F+4/R+8/W+3 Poisoned: 6 DEX & 5 CON DMG

9 -T2 Drow 7 13% 17(FF15, T12) F+4/R+6/W+2* SR15

7 -E-18 Tree 2 100%

6 -E-15 Tree 3 100%

1 -E-9 Tree 5 100%

1 -E-6 Tree 6 100%

0 -E-12 Tree 4 100%

0 -E-24 Tree 7 100%

  • All Ranged attacks take a -4 penalty due to undergrowth, except if entirely in a cleared area.
  • Fatigued: -2 Dex & Str, and can not run or charge.
  • Trees provide cover. Characters can squeeze or crawl through the square they occupy.
  • Darker green area are rough terrain (double movement).
  • Lighter green area are mostly cleared and count as normal terrain.
  • Characters are invisible (dark outline) and can not see each other.
  • SR# = Spell Resistance
  • Shakened = -2 attack, saves, skill & ability checks
  • Entangled = 1/2 speed, no run/charge, -2 to attack, -4 DEX
    • Can break free and move half speed with full round DC20 STR/escape artist check.
  • Red outlines indicate hostile trees.
The party prepares for an invisible battle with hidden foes. A battle they may not survive. A battle they intend to keep their enemies from surviving.


  1. Avegnum unsheathes his sword as he creeps after the giant, holding his sword vertically so that he doesn't poke his large friend.

    Avegnum and Vel both attempt to spot any hiding drow up ahead, with the halfling taking his time on the tree where he thought he saw someone before.

  2. The Party turns invisible and makes a hasty assault on the cleared area to the southwest. Going in what they think is basically a straight line following their own sounds the party finds itself focusing on the loudest of the group as an audial anchor so they do not run into each other.

    Even though he's large and moving quickly Vik manages to make little noise. The party is unaware just how far ahead he has gone until the scorrow appear in the south east 'corner' of the clearing as it strikes Vik who was just haphazardly moving past the aberration. Though Vik is still invisible the spray of blood shows where he must be.

    As Avegnum approaches the clearing two arrows fly free from one of the drow hidden next to a tree one hits the halfling for 10 damage.

    Please provide initiative.

  3. Giggling with delight at seeing foes to smite with his cleansing energy, Vel unleashes a bolt of crackling power in an attempt to catch both the Scorrow and its minion. Before, he might have held back until the others had joined in the fray so as not to make himself a target but his mind's call for blood and ruin are too strong to ignore. He already longs for the tang of charred flesh, a hunger that the feel of Tara's blood on his fingers kindled within him.
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Scorrow(Touch):1d20+10-4=17 - If it Hits, Will DC 17 else Shaken 1 min
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow9(Touch):1d20+9-4=22 - Same Will Save
    Damage?: Half Initial = 6

    1. Forgot Caster Check: Scorrow - 1d20+8=27, Drow - 1d20+8=13

  4. Vel's ray penetrates the scorrow both damaging it and making it obviously sick. The ray dissipates harmlessly as it trie to score a second hit. Vel becomes visible again and now everyone can see the fiendish look on his face as he delights in the prospect of killing stuff.

    Finding himself suddenly next to his target Vik unleashes with a torrent of attacks. Becoming visible as well Vik hasted attacks mostly hit but don't hurt the enemy as much as they look like they should have. He also takes a 5' step further south.

    When Vik becomes visible, the party once again hears the geared sounds of dull scissors scraping against each other. From behind the tree south of the scorrow another mechanical scorpion quickly crawls its way up next to Vik and claws at him, though it misses.

    The scorrow then takes a 5' step north and returns the attacks to Vik, also smiling fiendishly much like Vel in it's new delight at the opportunity to kill it's enemy. The scorrow only hit's Vik twice, however.

    Drow 9 again fires a couple arrows at the square in which it hears someone (Avegnum) but only manages to waste two more arrows.

    Avegnum, Kaellanna, and Tara are next.

  5. Seeing the enemy leader at the forefront of the battle lines, Avegnum closes the distance with the fiend to remove him from the battle as quickly as possible, ending in -P-9. Striking from invisibility he says to the Scorrow, "Hey bastard, how about we take a look at your insides?"
    (Swift: Activates Punishing Stance, +1d6dmg & -2AC)
    Elder Mountain Hammer vs.Scorrow:1d20+16-1=31:Hits!

  6. Avegnum punishes the scorrow and becomes visible. The scorrow screams in pain from the bladed hammering, and yells out in elven, "Kill this minion!"

    Kaellanna begins casting and Tara takes up watch next to her.

    Avegnum finds himself almost flanked as a drow (8) next to his location stabs at him from behind undergrowth. Now fully visible to the halfling, Avegnum take 4 DMG from the draw's wicked ichor coated knife.

    It's now Vel's turn.

  7. "Yes Avegnum! Spill their blood, chop them up, crush them, kill them all!!" Vel screams in delight. Wanting a better vantage point, the blood crazed warlock moves to -R-11 and lashes out at the Scorrow and Avegnum's new friend.
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Scorrow(Touch):1d20+10-4=23:Hits! (CL Check:1d20+8=20)
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow8(Touch):1d20+9-4=25:Hits! - Will DC 17 else Shaken 1 min (CL Check:1d20+8=18)
    Damage: Half Initial = 7 (CL Check:1d20+8=18)

  8. As Vel moves to his new location a drow next to him strikes out and hits him with it's wicked knife. Vel takes 3 DMG. When Vel shoots his ray at the scorrow it dissipates harmlessly, made ineffective by the scorrow's spell resistance. Just after Vel's attack against the scorrow three arrows come from next to a tree from a drow previously hidden (10). None of the arrows hit Vel.

    Vik then attacks the scorrow with everything he has. He hits the enemy all but one reducing it's health even more.

    The mechanical scorpion returns the favor with it's own assault on the giant. Vik is hit with a claw and the tail sting which injects him with burning acid in addition to physical damage.

    The scorrow then turns it's attention on the small one that recently hammered him. Striking out with everything it has Avegnum, the halfling takes two hits from the large, long knives, and two hits from the claws. One of the knives strikes particularly true and deep. Avegnum takes a total of 52 DMG.

    Finally drow 9 fires two arrows at Vel. Only one hits and that only does 4 DMG to Vel.

    Avegnum, Kaellanna and Tara next.

  9. "Aaah!" Avegnum yells in pain at the Scorrow's assault. His mind racing, knowing he can't withstand attacks of that magnitude indefinitely, he uses another technique that should make the multi-limbed foe vulnerable to further attacks.
    Bonecrusher vs.Scorrow:1d20+16-1=26:Hits!

    (Bonecrusher: Deals an additional 4d6dmg and Scorrow must make a Fort DC:16 save else it's body structure is massively weakened and all rolls to confirm critical hits get a +10 bonus until it is fully healed. Creatures with no discernible anatomy/immune to critical hits are immune to this effect but not the damage.)

    Trying to focus on his defense he takes a 5ft step to -P-10 and activates Stonefoot Stance.

  10. Kaellanna finishes casting and a 7' tall column of fire erupts from the air next to her. It immediately attacks drow 7 but misses.

    Kaellanna and Tara move past the elemental, both still invisible but making some noise.

    Drow seven tries to get clear of the fire elemental but the elemental hits the drow as it's makes it's was around.

    Drow 8 drops it's knife and draws it's long bow, then fires two arrows at Avegnum. One arrow hits for 9 DMG.

    Vel is next.

  11. Seeing drow pop out of the jungle to stab or loose bolts widens Vel's eyes with glee, as does the chaos introduced by the flickering elemental's light, and the copious amounts of blood seeping from the Scorrow. Faint voices cry out that a lot of that blood is Avegnum's, which Vel initially delights in as well, but then he remembers that the childlike form of his companion, while potentially appealing as a corpse, is still needed to get out of the jungle... probably. With great discomfort, Vel puts his Wand of Haste away and pulls out his WoCLW under the speed boosting effects of the magical haste.

    For good measure he discharges some more eldritch energy at the drow, drawing a disbelieving glance from Avegnum who can't fathom why the Scorrow is getting a pass on helpings of pain.

    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow9(Touch):1d20+10-4=13:Hits! (CL Check:1d20+8=15)- Will DC 17 else Shaken 1 min
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow10(Touch):1d20+9-4=8:Misses!

    1. "Kill the reborn one, and not only will you survive, but the drow, and the scorrow, and the druid will follow you. You will be a king, an emperor who cannot be stopped by anyone. You will become greater than anyone else has! You will rule this jungle, and the city next to it,and the mountains around it, and all the lands surrounding the mountains. ..." Vel hears the return of the familiar and soothing voice in his head. Vel hears the story of his greatness and the struggles to get everything he has every wanted.

  12. Sorry, I just picked up on the fact that Vel has been shakening, not sickening his enemies. Adjustments have been made.

  13. Drow 10 grips a golden chain hanging around it's neck and pulls a golden sphere off of it. The drow then throws the sphere beyond Vel where it gently lands, and immediately bursts into a fiery explosion engulfing Vel, Avegnum, Tara, and the fire elemental, but just missing Kaellanna, and the scorrow. Vel makes his save but takes 16 DMG, Avegnum makes his save but takes 12 DMG, Tara fails her save and takes 26 DMG, and the fire elemental is immune to fire damage. The drow then moves behind the tree next to Vel.

    Vik unleashes another torrent of draconic furry on the scorrow. The furry only takes one well placed dragon claw in the scorrow's face before it drops to the ground twitching a bit before becoming still. Vel is excited in ways he hasn't ever felt. Vik spins around quickly to turn the rest of his attacks on the mechanical scorpion. He strikes at it repeatedly. Hitting it as hard as he hit the scorrow, and then hitting it over and over and then finishing by biting into the metal plated hide. The scorpion still stands but it greatly weakened.

    The Scorpion blasts the area in front of it with a spray of acid from the tip of it's tail. Vik, Vel, Avegnum are caught, as well as the dying body of the scorrow and drow 8. Vik fails his save but only takes 20 DMG, Avegnum makes his save and only takes 14 DMG causing him to collapse at -7 HP, while Vel makes his save but still takes 17 DMG dropping him to -3 HP. The scorrow's dying body burns and melts in the acid bath, while Drow 8 manages to wiggles it's way out of most of the damage.

    Drow 9 moves south next to the scorpion.

    Kaellanna and her's are next.

  14. Sorry, I forgot Vel's energy resistance and immunity. L correct that after work but he should have about 17 HP.

  15. Invisibly Kaellanna moves quicker than anyone else, being a druid, between and around the battle while drawing her wand out of her belt she zaps Avegnum for 6 HP of healing.

    Tara attempts to follow her companion as best she can.

    The fire elemental chases down drow 7 and attacks, but misses.

    Drow 7 strikes back at the elemental and nicks it, then steps 5' away.

    Drow 8 moves south as quickly as it can through the undergrowth.

    Vel is next.

  16. "If the woman's healing Alton then maybe I can teach the metal scorpion how to fear! Hey you! Uh... die!" Vel says witlessly; embarrassed by his inability to taunt the drow engine of war. Knowing that the thing probably doesn't have a soul lessens his level of glee at the battle's carnage, but he tries to console himself with a little destruction anyway.

    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Mechanical Scorpion(T):1d20+10-4=15:Hits! (CL Check:1d20+8=26)
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow9(T):1d20+9-4=20:Hits!
    Damage: Half Initial = 7 (CL Check:1d20+8=27)

  17. Drow 10 loosens another golden orb from it's necklace and tosses it over toward Avegnum. A torrent of fire erupts from the orb engulfing the entire party. Vel takes 6 damage, Vik is immune to fire, Avegnum takes 10 damage, and is dying again, Kaelllanna takes 7 damage, Tara evades the fire and takes no damage. The drow then quickly moves away from the battle seeming to not be hindered by the undergrowth, like Kaellanna.

    Vik attacks the mechanical scorpion bringing it almost to destruction before stepping in it's way.

    The scorpion decides to withdrawal and moves straight back away from the battle.

    Drow 9 follows the scorpion and moves to the south.

    Avegnum fails to stabilize and continues dying.

    Next: Kaellanna, Tara and Fiery.

  18. Kaellanna zaps Avegnum again with her wand of curing. Healing him for 2 HP he is awake again. She then draws out another wand.

    Fiery swings for the drow and clobbers it, Then moves a little.

    Tara sniffs and moves to get closer to her companion.

    Drow 7 withdraws away from the fire elemental.

    Drow 8 moves south through the jungle.

    Vel is next.

  19. Assuming the way is clear, Vel scampers up next to the dead Scorrow (-N-11) and launches more energy at the glinting ass of the mechanical scorpion that can just been seen through the jungle undergrowth. Somewhat surprisingly, though Vel's face goes slack and his eyes glaze over so he knows none of what occurs, a thigh thick crackling cord of energy crosses the space towards Vel's targets in the blink of an eye. Seconds later, finding himself near teh Scorrow corpse, he then kicks it to get some of the blood on his booties, intrigued by the way the blood is absorbed.

    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Mechanical Scorpion(T):1d20+10-5=25:Hits! (Critical Threat, Confirm:25!)
    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Drow9(T):1d20+9-5=14:Hits!
    Damage: Half Initial = 19 (CL Check:1d20+8=24)

  20. Vel's blast fells the mechanical scorpion, but only half the regular damage hits the drow, which is not killed but made almost dead.

    Drow 10 continues heading south..

    Vik'Gotror yells out, "Now we have 'em! Now we can finish this conflict for good!" as he makes his way south. Just as he steps into the narrow area of the southern path and thick jungle vine swings down from above and slams into him. With each 5' further south that the giant goes another thick vine swings at him, but they all miss until the last two. Badly hurt Vik then swings at drow 9 with one of his claws and rips the small creature in half leaving a stinking mess on innards. "Time for some fire!" He yells out.

    Avegnum, Kaellanna, Fiery and Tara are next.

  21. Still woozy from his brushes with death, Avegnum moves after Vik up to -K-13 but has to pause in order to catch his breath. "I could use some more magical goodness guys," he calls out to Kaellanna and Vel.

  22. Kaellanna replies from her invisible state, "Uhm, dope, if you wanted to be healed why did you run up there with the attacking vines? Glory hounds!"

  23. The fire elemental continues chasing after drow 7.

    Kaellanna moves up behind Avegnum huffing the whole way in obvious annoyance and zaps him again for 3 HP.

    Tara sniffs around and follows her elf.

    Drow 7 withdraws again and moves away from the fire elemental.

    Drow 8 moves away from Vik and fires an arrow at him and miraculously hits the giant.

    Vel is next.

  24. Vik yells out, "These vines are coming from these trees next to me! They seem to be intelligent and attacking me for some reason!"

  25. 'Slap happy trees going all wiggally woogally? MMh, yes... they should burn!' Vel thinks to himself, having lost interest in the Scorrow corpse for now. Moving up to -L-12 he'll try and take a shot at The Groping Tree and see what happens. "Alright big guy," Vel says to Vik, "What happens when I do this?"

    Frightful Chain Blast vs.Mechanical Scorpion(T):1d20+10-4=9:???

    (I suppose he can use Detect Magic and make a K.Arcana to see what he knows about animated plants to see if this thing stands out from the rest of the jungle.)

    1. Detect magic reveals nothing more interesting than the row of huge trees are not magical, unlike the rest of the environment.

  26. Vel's blast goes toward the tree next to Vik. Even though it's a particularly large tree Vel manages to miss the broad side of it, and isn't even quite sure if he's aiming at the right place. All he sees is a row of huge swaying trees just south of the giant. From his new location he can see the trees better now. He can see them dwarfing the giant, and measuring at least 30' tall. What he doesn't sense is any wind.

    Drow 10 continues moving south and then a bit west when he reaches the line of huge swaying trees. From his new position he takes another shot at Vik with his longbow but misses.

    "Time to burn this part down!" Vik roars as he engages his dancing inferno and then moves along the row of huge trees. Though the general foliage around Vik blisters, smolders and combusts, the row of huge trees are not affected in any way by his fire. As he moves giant vines whip at him from above and from the row of huge trees. Of the four major vines that swing at him only two hit, but that seems enough to bludgeon the giant almost into submission.

    Suddenly the plants below, above and around both Vik'Gotror and Avegnum whip around like the entangle spells cast by the drow. The only difference is that the area is only immediately next to Avegnum and the giant. Though they try their best the plants can get no hold on Vik's fiery self. Avegnum doesn't fare so well. Finding himself entangled by the animated plants, Avegnum is only slightly surprised when he realizes the entangling plants have actually moved him 5' south.

    The entangled halfling is next, along with Kaellanna and her cohort.

  27. "Ain't no tree gonna take me to its mouth! RAAAGALL!" Avegnum cries out as he exerts his dense musculature.
    Trying to break free from being entangled. Rolled 7+4-1=10 for STR check :(
    Having been so recently wounded, he subsides after only a few moments in exhaustion.

  28. From behind, to the north, the party hears the scramblings of someone not trying to be quiet, or just rather bad at it. Then emerging from the undergrowth into the large cleared area comes an odd looking creature. Apearing to be made of solidified mercury, or perhaps dark, flexible, dull silver, a figure of basic humaonid proportions walks out into the middle of the clearing (XY) before stoping and looking at the party (Vel and the entangled Avegnum since Kaellanna and Tara are still invisible). Though it's features are somewhat muted the creature is obviously more male than female, and more human than anything else.

    "Vel? Vel, is that you?" The mercury man asks while looking straight at Vel with it's somewhat emotionless expression. "Gosh, I'm glad I caught up with you." it continues in it's thin voice that sounds to happy and innocent for the context of the battle waged a short distance away. "This jungle is quite dense. Makes it rather difficult to track you. But, now I have found you. Now I can heal you!"

  29. The floral around Avegnum easily resists his puny attempt to break free, and then continues dragging him. However, instead of south, the plants quickly change direction and yank him south east ... right into Vik'Gotror's inferno aura. Avegnum only burns for 1 DMG this round.

    Another massive vine swings for the giant but misses him widely.

    Finally, Kaellanna spots a large (medium-sized) snake slithering though the undergrowth. Looking much like the snake fought before it is heading south and west.

    Kaellanna and her's are next.

  30. Seeing the metal man emerge from the jungle, Vel's eyes widen in delight at the strange new sight Vik's Death Garden has produced. A chorus of voices cry out different things he should pay attention to first and from all of this internal discussion yields the shout, "Shiny!" from the oblivious human.
    A few moments later he says, "We're going to be best friends! What with the poisons and stabbings and burnings I've had I don't remember your name... but healing does sound like it could be useful. Oh, if you've been here a while, do you know what those things are that the little guy's playing with?"

  31. Kaellanna heals Vel for 7 HP with her wand and then moves north west to get out of the area of the entangling plants. Tara moves with her and continues guarding Kaellanna, now adding the odd silver creature to her list of things to keep an eye on. The fire elemental moves through the jungle and attacks the drow it has been chasing.

    After being hit the drow is ever more closer to no longer living, and decides to continue moving south trying to avoid certain incendiary death. The newly discovered snake also moves south. Drow 8 uses a wand to zap itself, and looks the happier and healthier for it.

    Immediatly around Vel, Vik, Kaellanna and Tara the plant life begins moving and grabbing at the four of them. At first only Vel is caught, entangled and pulled 5' south, but then Vik'Gotror is also caught, despite the inferno surrounding him. The plants just hold him in place as huge vines connected to the trees swing at him. After several attempts and misses, a vine lands a blow that's way to solid. Bashing the giant's face in and seeming to have broken his neck, Vik goes limp and falls flat to the ground amidst the ashes as his aura of intense heat vanishes just in time to avoid burning Vel or Avegnum who are also caught up in the entangling plants. After dragging the pair back and forth between west and east, but always south, the plants finish jerking the halfing and human around as they lay next to the still hot body of their former traveling companion, if not friend.

    "Vel, wait!" The mercury man yells out, "I can help you! I can help you get back!"

    RIP Disco Inferno.

    Vel is next.

  32. "Tell me tell me, I like stories!" Seemingly oblivious, as is becoming ever more apparent, to the danger his surroundings pose. Suddenly a vine squeezes him in a strange way and he starts oozing corrosive slime from every pore of his body.

    (Let me know what he has left for the turn.)

    1. Starting or stoping the acidic slime is a standard action, no AoO.

    2. I suppose he's done after that due to entanglement.

  33. Drow 10 moves 15' to the east.

    Avegnum, Vel and Vik's body are all moved 5' to the west by the plants surrounding and entangling them.

    Avegnum can now do something.

  34. Drawing upon the last remaining shreds of will, Avegnum uses Iron Heart Surge in an effort to end his entanglement. If successful he stumbles towards the group's location in a bid to save himself, hopefully getting near N12

    (If the entanglement affecting Avegnum is the same as the one on Vel, would he end up freeing them both by ending the one on himself? And did Vel's acid oozing have no affect on the plants?)

  35. Sorry for the vacation, I may have another player to join us soon.

    Avegnum breaks free of his personal entanglement and stomps his way through the plants. He finds the plants keep trying to re-entangle him the whole way so he only gets half as far as he intended (-L-12) before ending his round.

    The mercury man initiates some kind of magical ability and then rushes into the thick of things toward Vel (-H-11). All around him to a distance of 10' the plants are pushed away from the liquid metal man. Even the attacks by a couple large vines that strike at him look to be blocked by an invisible bubble surrounding the new creature. Now that he is next to Vel the plants entangling Vel are pushed away off of Vel, and frees him from the entangling effects.

    Kaellanna and her cat move north 5' to get out away from the entangling plants, while her fire elemental moves to -P0, persisting in chasing it's drow prey to the ends of it's duration. Kaellanna yells out, "Come on Avegnum, come on Vel lets pull back and figure out what we are going to do here! These plants are gross but I'm afraid we may be outmatched for now!"

    Drow 7 heads straight south to -I-1.

    Drow 8 moves to -F-7 and fires an arrow at Vel which hits the human for 5 DMG.

    Wave after wave the surrounding plants attempt to entangle Avegnum. Finally some of them catch and drag the halfling to -G-10 atop the still hot corpse of Vik'Gotror (RIP). From a vine swings down and hammers Avegnum for 11 DMG, knocking him down into the uncontious state of dying. His body if then dragged to -F-11, and then dragged to -F-10. The giant corpse is also dragged in the same back and forth, tug-of-war way.

    I will update the map and status info later.

    Vel is next.

  36. "Hey, Mr. Avegnum! Get up, where do you think you're going?" Vel calls out at the still form of his hired protector. Observers might have confused the consternation in the human's voice for concern, but Vel was fixated upon the fact that the plant life was attempting to abscond with yet another corpse with which he could entertain himself with.

    A portion of his mind probably considered the fact that the halfling might still be alive and could prove useful if healed... but it wasn't a priority as a drow arrow grazed his shoulder. Retaliating from within the protective metal man's sphere of influence, Vel launches a counter attack.

    Caster Check:1d20+8=28
    Frightful Blast vs.Drow 8(Touch):1d20+10-4+1=16:Hits! (Will DC 17 else shaken 1min)

    "Hey woman! Can't you.. ya know, talk to the plants or something and tell them to back off?"

  37. In looking up what druids can do i discovered they have Woodland Stride and that Kaellanna should have been moving at full speed through the undergrowth this whole time.

    Drow 8 falls dead at the contact with the sickening eldritch blast. No chain blast? No move actions?

    "Yes, arcanist, I could talk with plants, if i had the right spell memorized. But since I can't do everything all at once, like some of us here, and am more usefull than just as a killer (again, like some of us here) and I wasn't planning to have conversations with intelligent plant life (since we haven't encountered any so far) I don't that spell memorized. If you avoid killing the plants with your unnatural blastings I can come back tomorrow and have my first intelligent conversation since coming to this hell-hole."

  38. Oblivious to the elf's insults given a newly cooling corpse to examine from afar, Vel's eyes glaze over slightly as he attempts to move out of the tendril tangled area. He heads in the direction of Kaellanna and her cowardly cat.

  39. "Uhg it's hot here. Where the hell am I? I just got here. Excuse me ma'am, I seem to have lost my way." "Damn elf" he mutters under his breath, "She won't be much help."

  40. Halvdan waits for a reply but remains defensive.

  41. With the sudden appearance of a man from the jungle, Vel is again distracted from his bloody musings and says cheerily, "Hello, these plants are trying to eat us!" Helpfully he also adds, "My name is Vel and Avegnum over there is napping. Watch out for the bodies strewn about!"

  42. In a small burst like miniaturized lightning with no thunderous sound the new person appears at the north end of the cleared area. Dressed head to toe in an assortment of interlocking white plates, looking very much like bones, and sitting atop what used to be a regular large horse but is now nothing more than an assemblage of anatomicaly correct horse bones with green glowing eyes, the fully armored person speaks common with a distict Karrnathi accent, though muffled slightly by it's bone-like helm.

    I will update the battle and get things underway tonight or tomorrow.

  43. I also forgot to mention that the elf and her cat are both actually invisible and can not be seen.

    After the appearance of a bone armored man riding a pale boned horse drow #10 yells out "home", apparently to the last remaining drow archer, before climbing it's way into the trees and undergrowth to it's south, dissapearin from everyone's view.

    The mercury man moves north to help Vel extract himself from the area of writing plants trying to drag him back in to the animated tree wall south of the group. "Come on Vel, lets get away from these plants that are trying to kill you! Just a little bit farther away and you will be safe from them," The mercury man yells to Vel as he passes by the human, being careful to not outpace the human and leave him vulnerable to plant attack.

    Avegnum continues to bleed-out into the grasses and undergrowth as the plants again gather around him swarm all over him at the base of the tree wall.

    From an invisible place inside the clearing Kaellanna yells, "No! Don't leave Avegnum. Move south again and protect me from the plants! I'll get Avegnum! We have to save him!" She moves south near Vel and Tara follows her ever wary of the wriggling plants just outside of the mercury man's magical aura.

    The fire elemental continues to chase the drow it has persued the entire battle.

    The snake follows it's companion into the tree wall.

    Vines and branches curl around Avegnum's body seeming to draw if farther into the earth at the base of the tree wall.

    Three large vines lash out at the fire elemental as it persues the drow elf. The first two vines smash the elemental into a vapory wisp of nothingness but the vines also catch on fire. The party can now see that these two vines are connected to the two trees in the tree wall at the farthest eastward extent.

    Vel is up again.

  44. Looking like he's thinking about going back for Avegnum, Vel actually starts imagining what it would be like to have a set of chairs upholstered with dwarf skin. This leads him to consider the need for dead dwarves which then makes him realize that Avegnum could be useful in the killing of said dwarves so that Vel could get the quantity of epidermis needed to make his chairs.

    "Back into the plants my metal man! What is your name again?" Vel queries. "I suppose we'll move up with the invisible elf, wherever she is and get that broken, childlike body.."

  45. Kaellanna agrees to this and the small group makes it's way to Avegnum while the strangely clad stranger sits atop his odd horse checking out his new surroundings. Realizing he's no longer in the Mournlands fighting a hoard of monstrous beasts and living spells, it's easy for him to determine he's in some kind of very high altitude, extremely hot a wet jungle, as he is instantly covered in sweat and almost gasping for breath in the thin air.

    By the short time the mashed-up group makes it's way to the small form of Avegnum and checks him for signs of life they find none! Oh poor Avegnum, struck down in his prime, again. What a wasted loss of such a promising ...

    "Lets get him out of these stupid plants and some place dry and safe. This whole place is just wrong, and you two make it worse by wanting to attack, attack, attack. We need to get out of here and make camp so I can renew my spells. What's up with this undead freak?" Kaellanna growls angrily at the group, "And now we have this subservient thing following us around! Everywhere I look it just gets more and more unnatural."

  46. "He's not subservient, he's MY FRIEND! I think..," Vel responds. Eying the battered body of their warrior comrade he curses fate for being stingy in the luck it doled out to Avegnum. With the metal man's help they put the body into his bag of holding so that they can go through its supplies in a safer area.

    "Well I guess going back to Vik's camp would be as good a plan as any right now. Can you get us there, elfy? Oh! And let's take a look at what those stupid drow were carrying? Want to join in a little plundering skeletal man?" Vel asks the stranger.

    (Is Vik's body out of reach too?)

  47. The giant's body is right next to the area protected against the attacking plants and can be reached by the party.

    "I can get us back," Kaellanna says, "But there will be no looting of Avegnum equipment until I've had a chance to try to bring him back again. I owe him that much before ... Lets get back to safety first."

  48. "Equipment? OH, yes! I suppose he has useful stuff too.. apart from his body...," Vel responds. "I didn't notice before, but maybe Vik could have some trinkets too. While my metal friend is protecting us we'd best make the most of it before heading back somewhere safer."

  49. The only thing the giant has is his armor. As the group looks at it they notice Vik is also covered with the same clearish ooze that Vel was covered with when he fell. Vik's features look slightly muted, as did Vel's before he rose from his deathbed.

    "What's up with the unnatural cavalry dude just sitting on his corpse-horse complaining about the weather?" Kaellanna asks as the group stands around in the afterglow of fierce battle. "Let's get what we want and get out of here before more drow, or worse, decides to engage us on our weekend state! Wait, look at Vik. If the same thing is happening to him as happened to Vel then he should be raised any minute now, no worse than before. Though this place brims with evil it does seem to have a certain fondness for life ... Wait, what if the returned life is just so the evil can kill more? Or worse what if the evil ... uhm, never mind, lets get Avegnum back to the 'camp' site and ready him for a reincarnate. I wonder why he didn't get slimy like Vel and Vik ..."

  50. "Yay, Vik will be back from his nap soon!" Vel delights, "It really is more fun when he's around, but I guess we should take a break for now. Can your pet kitty get us back somewhere safe to rest? If so, let's go!"

    Vel reaches out to pet Tara with a smile and feel the thickness of her pelt to determine if it would be good for a blanket.

    1. "Maybe we should leave him a note so he doesn't worry about us?" Vel adds as the group start to turn away from the giant's fallen body.

  51. After standing around looking stupid, Halvdan shakes off the shock of being transported into..."Where am I?" he asks.

  52. "We're in a crazy jungle in Xen'drik!" Vel says cheerily. "It's really hot, hard to breath, spiders and spider people like to try and eat you, some drow don't like company, and then there are the flying snakes here. Oh, we also heard this jungle that apparently has quite vigorous plant life is surrounded by lava but there's a old ruined giant city north, I think, where maybe friendly or neutral giants might be, as well as other things that will probably want to eat us. Who are you again, by the way?"

    Having rambled on for a bit, Vel is forced into silence as he works on catching his breath while they walk.
